Under Secretary Jenkins’ Two Year Anniversary Statement


Two years ago today, the U.S. Senate confirmed me  as the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security.  As a result, I became the first African American to ever hold the title of Under Secretary of State.

It is a privilege and honor to serve the American people and work with a dedicated group of talented people to pursue our goal of strengthening international and regional security, arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament.

Whether it is providing security assistance and arms transfers, protecting sensitive technologies, promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, reducing the risk of miscalculation and miscommunication, or ridding the world of weapons of mass destruction, we are protecting our nation against some of the greatest security challenges facing the world today. I have spent my career dedicated to these issues and I am proud to continue to do so today.

If there is one thing  I have learned over the span of the 30+ years working these issues, and especially the last two years as the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, we cannot face these challenges without ensuring we have a wide range of  experience, diversity, and talent.  By empowering innovative, inclusive, and resilient teams, we will be well-equipped  to meet current, new, and emerging challenges in international security.

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